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Is there acceptable immorality?

Then, what about abortion? Abortion has been controversial for long time for its legality, and still it is often issued whenever election time. Of course, it is horrible and inhumane operation. However, if a woman or a teen girl is unwanted pregnant by rape then, giving birth the baby would be cruel and painful to them physically and mentally. How to compensate this kind of women’s life, rights, and damages? I think giving choices of abortion is a way of helping the women and respecting them.

Similar thing is shown in the war, veterans and soldiers had taken or are still taking a lot of the enemy’s lives away. They would never enjoying this. They fight and kill the enemies as one of their duties which is protect nation under the goal of peace of the nation. If soldiers didn’t kill or attack the enemy then, the soldiers would lose their lovers, family members, comrades, and nation. Despite killing a lot of lives, nobody would say that soldiers are equal to serial murders. Through these cases, moral standard is sometimes ambiguous and unsettled. We cannot judge or claim something or somebody is moral or immoral, because immoral thing can be moral and moral thing can be turned to immoral.

Finally, I will explain about the gap between morality and immorality. In other word, how big difference between the moral and immoral choices that we made? The moral and immoral choices are not big different; there are only trivial differences. This is why there are controversial in the moral choice in our life. White lie, abortion, and war are the typical contradiction in our actual life. Lying to somebody and killing the lives are definitely immoral action. However, we cannot judge with the results at this point.

All the people might have experienced saying a lie to their friends, parents, teachers, and others. When we think about lying, we may classify lying is immoral act. However, I believe that lying can be moral. We called this kind of lie is “white lie.” White lie is a lying considering for the listeners. For example, when I saw my cousin’s wedding dress, even though it is not my taste, I would say “This is a gorgeous dress I have ever seen,” because I wanted her to be happy. Also, I didn’t want to spoil the joyful mood. Based on my experience, we cannot say saying untruth is not always bad.

Thank You

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